The CD-Video Analyzer is a versatile tool for the production line evaluation of compact discs, video discs, CD-ROMS, and CD-Video discs. It’s primary purpose is to verify the condition of new stampers, and to detect and anticipate process problems, by measuring the block error rate, RF signal level, asymmetry, radial tracking, and video dropouts. It will also generate permanent records of product performance for quality assurance. The system is designed for factory-floor operation by production personnel.
This computer-based system plays discs off the production line, and measures several relevant signal parameters. These parameters can then be displayed, or printed in graph form showing performance over the whole disc. This information is saved on floppy disk for archival storage, and so that comparisons can be made between many discs of one production run. This comparison data is used to plot performance trends during the production run. The system produces various alarms to the operator to signal bad discs, or trends of degrading performance. Because the system is largely software based, additional features can be added.