I’ve had my 1962 SI E-Type OTS for 40 years, and over the years, I’ve replaced a lot of distributor points and voltage regulators. Seemed like I was constantly filing, replacing, and adjusting the points, and constantly having charging problems.
Although I had tried hard to keep the car all original, I finally got wise and installed a Pertronix breakerless ignition, which fits in the distributor and so appears as original. It turned out to be a huge improvement. No more filing, replacing, and adjusting the points, and the timing was rock solid.
This led me to think how the same could be done for my unreliable voltage regulator. Since I spent my life developing electronic products, I thought I’d give it a try. It took two years, because I used state-of-the-art technology, and high-reliability components, but it turned out so well that I thought this would be helpful for others.
Replacing the old mechanical regulator not only saves a lot of time & grief from filing relay contacts, adjusting voltage, current, & cut-out, but I discovered later that in some cases, if I took it to a shop to fix a charging problem, the shop had replaced both the regulator and the generator, when all that was wrong was the regulator. This has cost me a lot over the years.
Protect your investment with the latest state-of-the-art technology. Avoid an inconvenient dead battery, and get consistent performance.
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