The advent of high-speed CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives makes disc unbalance an important issue. The forces generated increase with the square of the rotational rate, so at high speeds, the forces are extreme. These forces and resultant vibration can adversely affect disc performance and drive life.
High-speed CD-ROM drives will reduce their read speed if they have trouble reading the disc. One of the causes of speed reduction is vibration caused by disc unbalance. Only a properly balanced disc will provide the maximum throughput these drives are capable of.
Disc imbalance can be caused by thickness variation of the substrate, lacquer coating, CD-R dye coating, or DVD bonding layer as well as asymmetrical label design and disc shape and center hole placement.
Key Benefits :
Verify Conformance to Standards – Make sure that your product conforms to DVD and Red/Yellow/Orange Book standards. Many software publishers require their discs to meet the required specs.
Operates stand-alone or interfaces to PC
Displays in g-mm, g-m, or Newtons
Measures Moment of Inertia in g-m2
Pass / Fail indicator
User defined limits
Indicates direction of imbalance in degrees
Easy to operate
Compact desktop form factor
Tests disc in 10 seconds
Includes two Calibration Discs
Can be integrated into molding line & fully automated